Thanks for visiting I'm Karen Haag, a student and teacher of highly effective ways to help students of all ages write well.
I coach teachers in a broad range of schools. Some work with children from high-poverty urban neighborhoods, others with children from the most influential families in their region.
Yet the strategies I share with teachers and demonstrate using their own students - strategies developed by some of America's best minds in education - work across the learning and social spectrums.
And these strategies get results while energizing both teachers and students. They certainly transformed me.
I provide this website and its sister,, to share my passion and some of what I have learned with you. Please explore the many corners of this site.
Take away, share and improve upon the ideas you find here. And let me know if these strategies also transform the way YOU teach.

Downloadable FREE lesson plans - Really!
Throughout this website you will find many tested, successful lesson plans that you can have for free! Look for them in this area of each web page.
How to download:
Click on the titles to download the PDFs. Good luck, and let me know how these free lesson plans worked for you! I'd love to hear how to make them even better.
Karen Haag
Copyright 2018 by Karen Haag
A resource for people passionate about helping students write well, compiled by Karen Haag